Author: Tony Hepworth

Tumeegun cruises to the Med (part 1)

Tumeegun cruises to the Med (part 1) After owning Tumeegun for a summer I only had about 10 days out on the water, despite going down to Brighton virtually every weekend from July onwards....

Concerns about the TOA – paper by Gordon Keyte

Concerns about the TOA Dear TOA Committee, The Annual General meeting will soon be upon us and I would like to share some concerns with you, concerning the TOA and its future. For some...

Commodore’s Report Feb 2017

Commodore’s Report 2016 The Tomahawk Association was conceived to communicate, inform and share information with Tomahawk owners. It uses the website, newsletters, meetings, rallies to achieve this. A quiet year 2016 in sailing terms...


Photograph to be supplied Owned by John McAvennie Home Port  –  Cockle Island Boat details


Photograph to be provided Owned by Harry Henderson Home Port  –  River Forth Boat details


Photograph to be supplied Owned by Vaughan Gibson Home Port  –  Southampton Boat details


                    Owneed by Tony Hepworth, Secretary of TOA – used to own Tomahawk Bumble B, Home Port  –  Gosport Boat details